
Rice was born in Paris in 1968.

After years traveling the world on his motorbike and on foot, he settled on the French Riviera and began making art.

Critical of a society obsessed with consumerism and aesthetics, he decides to create sculptures using the emblematic material of waste: plastic.

His subjects draw on mass culture: mice, peace symbols, guns, American flags, balloons and comic book characters.

Depicted in a slightly retro guise, they pose moral questions about man, his myths and his values.

With cynicism, Rice represents the slow extinguishing of what is childish, innocent and pure, in the name of an exaggerated beauty, hyper-productivity and unsustainable rhythms of life.

Like Mickey Mouse, emblem of joy and happiness, suffocated and hidden by metal sheets from which only one paw protrudes. Or he drowned in barrels of oil, a symbol of the pollution of the planet.

Colorful balloon compositions play with the French expression “tu me gonfle” (you've bored me), to shout to the world the anger of those who don't feel in tune with modern society.

A bit like Rice himself who, having retired to a delightful multi-ethnic neighborhood in Nice, among slightly decadent colonial-style buildings, and a mix of languages, lives a bohemian life among his creations.

Because in the end, and this is his message, what saves us from the brutalization of beauty at all costs is precisely creativity, colors and shapes.

The artist's works