Stefano Porcini

Stefano Porcini is an Italian artist and designer. He lives in Varese, a fascinating and sly city, suspended between the exuberant nature of the Alps and lakes on one side, and the intense and multifaceted energy of Milan, the creative capital of Italy, on the other.

Since he was a child he grew up immersed in art, surrounded by art. An art not bought or acquired, an art sweated and produced, by a family of artists, architects, designers and humanists. And from a young age, inspired by that type of culture, he spent his life experimenting in every field of creativity, with genuine curiosity and insatiable passion. Over the last twenty years that research journey has led him to found his own fashion brand, to design for the most varied international brands - from Maserati to MV Agusta, from Aperol Italia Independent - to create unique pieces of art and designs that have brightened the lives of a wide variety of different people around the world.

Stefano is obsessed with the search for innovative languages, technologies and materials. And his most recent artistic production perfectly reifies that kind of interest and ambition. The Faces are a series of "sculptures" that magically mix the potential of modern technologies with the warmth of art and the tradition of craftsmanship.

Each piece is made by hand, leveraging, in different ways each time, scanning, 3D modeling and printing, thermoforming, graphic printing, hand painting, and manual application of the most varied finishes and materials.

Each piece is a statement that blends the unique sensibility of the artist with the unique personality of the subject, celebrating the profound and beautiful diversity of human beings on this planet.

Each piece is a declaration of love, for humanity itself and for the entire world.

The artist's works